Scammers can use your phone number to send you text messages from a variety of different people. They can pretend to be your boss or a company, asking you to send money through a payment app or get gift cards.

Never respond to any suspicious text messages. Responding to a suspicious text message confirms your active phone number and may increase spam texts.

Phishing text

Many people are unaware that scammers also use text messages to obtain personal information. This type of text messaging is known as “smishing,” and it’s one of the most common ways that scammers steal personal information from their victims. These text scams typically ask for personal information such as your Social Security Number or online account passwords. They may also contain a link to a fake website that, when clicked, can steal your login information. Alternatively, some spam SMS may install malware that steals your information without you even knowing.

A recent smishing text scam claimed to be from Verizon Wireless, asking victims to provide their direct deposit account information to claim a refund. This text message was a fake and Verizon Wireless doesn’t send refunds by text message. Another text scam that is popular is one which appears to be coming from a government agency such as the IRS or USPS. It claims that you have a package delivery or a tax credit pending, and it contains a link to a phishing tool that is disguised as an online chat.

Spam texts are usually sent from a mobile number with a local area-code or one that is near yours. These tactics are meant to make you trust the message. However, you should never click on any links in the text. Instead, you should call the company named in the message directly to verify its authenticity. You can also inform your bank.

Most text scams request personal information like your Social Security Number or credit card numbers. They can also be in the form of a fake alert or notice sent by your bank or other financial institution. Kizzy Broaden was a victim of this type of text scam. It took hackers just minutes to empty her account and debit cards. If you are also a victim, contact to get your money back.

The best way for you to protect yourself is to remain skeptical and to never respond to these texts. Use your phone’s call-blocking application to check the origins of the number. This will prevent scammers from getting your information, and it will also save you money on text messages that don’t belong to you.

Spam texts

Spam texts are phishing scams sent to your phone, pretending to be from legitimate companies or government agencies. They will often ask you click on a hyperlink to confirm your personal details or reset your password. These texts are used by criminals to steal passwords and sensitive information. They can also infect and spy on your phone. They can cause your phone to stop working or slow down.

These messages can look like they are from your bank or the IRS. They may also appear to come from a popular website. They can trick you into clicking a link to verify personal information, such as your Social Security number or email account password. They can be disguised as an official warning, a fraudulent bill, or a bogus notice of cancellation.

Many of these scams target Verizon Wireless customers. Spam texts may claim the user has already paid their monthly bill or include a link that appears to be a Verizon Survey. If you reply to the spam texts, you’ll receive more spam, and your phone might slow down or stop responding. The best course of action is to ignore unsolicited text messages and never click on links, especially from unknown senders.

Some people try to strike back by “scambaiting,” sending a message like, “Reply with your best line and you might win free gifts.” But experts warn that this type of texting can actually backfire. Instead, they recommend simply reporting the number to the Federal Trade Commission and ignoring any ensuing messages.

Remember that text spammers don’t want to sell you anything. They want your information to sell to other spammers, or to steal money. If you reply to a text from an unknown number, the scammer will know your phone number and start bombarding you with more spam texts.

If you’re getting a lot of spam text messages, you can report them to your carrier by forwarding the message to 7726. This number is accepted as a reporting method by the majority of major carriers, such as AT&T, T-Mobile and Sprint. You can also report suspicious text messages by going to your carrier’s website. Once you’ve reported a message, you should get a reply from your carrier confirming that they will remove the number from their list. If you don’t receive a reply, it is possible that the number has been blocked or sold to a spammer.

Texts seem legitimate

While SMS (short message service) has become a popular way to communicate with friends and family, it’s also becoming an important channel for scammers. These text scams, also known as “smishing,” are designed to steal personal information or money. These scams come in a variety of forms, including phishing schemes and package delivery scams. They can be used to impersonate police or other authorities. These scams are a growing threat, with 2022 on track to be the first year that more people report them than phone scams.

Most scam texts include shortened links that redirect to a fake website or download malware. Using these links, scammers can steal your passwords and other account information, or use your phone to spy on your movements. Clicking on these links may also cause your phone’s performance to slow down or crash.

Scammers may pretend to be a bank, a company you use or a government organization such as the IRS. You may receive a message urging you to act immediately. These messages are designed to build trust and create a sense of urgency, so you’ll be more likely to click on the link.

Legitimate companies and services don’t ask you to update your information or verify your account via unsolicited text messages. Scammers can also disguise their identities by using spoofing technology and spoofed phone numbers. They also try to make their messages appear authentic by including a believable but unrelated name or title, such as the name of a celebrity.

Never reply directly to these scams. Replying directly to a spamtext alerts the scammer your number is active, which can lead them to continue sending unwanted messages. You can also install an app such as Truecaller or RoboKiller to filter out spam text messages and robocalls.

Another way to prevent these scams is to keep a close eye on your billing statements. If you spot any unusual activity, contact your carrier immediately to report it. You should also update your mobile operating system regularly to keep it safe from malware and other security risks. This will help you to detect and avoid text-scams, which have become more common since the COVID-19 pandemic.